10 Best Places to do Breakfast in Namibia’s Capital City

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Kaffee Bar

Kaffee Bar, Windhoek, Nina van Schalkwyk.

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Words and main photograph: Nina van Schalkwyk

Everyone has their favourite breakfast place. I know I do. Sunday mornings, sleeping late before finally falling into some clothes so we can get a plateful to last us until lunch. I don’t know why, but I love breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast, coffee. What’s not to love? Plus, it’s a time of day that holds so much potential. Especially on weekends, when you can stretch out that early hour to encompass time for dreaming and thinking about what’s next. Breakfast is never overrated. Which is why I wanted to find out the best spots for a brekkie in Windhoek. It’s for the greater good. And my own growling stomach!

Avant Garde:

Nestled in Klein Windhoek suburb and with the only noise being the occasional cars during rush hour, Avant Garde is a really laid back option for coffee in the morning. I know people that have a tab at the café since they go there so often. The attraction is lots of outside space, with seating under thorn trees. The area used to be occupied by a nursery, and even though the rows of shrubs, trees and flowers are gone, the café still has remnants of the atmosphere from then.

Lemon Tree, The Village

Located in The Village, a leafy block of business suites, shops and restaurants, Lemon Tree Café is a great place to welcome the day. With early morning yoga sometimes taking place just around the corner with Rise Namibia, this is a great spot to hang out with a healthy smoothie after a workout. Or actually, to work, even. Free wifi is always a plus.

Fresh ‘n Wild Utopia

One of the classic spots for a catch-up, Fresh ‘n Wild is a favourite among many. They’ve got a wide selection of smoothies and health options, plus more substantial dishes for those with big appetites.

Wecke & Voigts Kaffee Bar

Right in the middle of town and perched on the main road of Windhoek, Independence Avenue, is a well-known family-owned business: Wecke & Voigts. A while back they underwent a mini-makeover, which included the Kaffee Bar. What’s great about it is that it’s right on the sidewalk, which makes it a good place to people-watch the morning away.

Krisjan’s Bistro

A new kid on the block, Krisjan’s is already fast becoming a local favourite. The interior is totally different from most of Windhoek’s establishments, and their delicious food sets them quite apart. Krisjan’s new location is on the corner of Lazarett and Robert Mugabe street.


A combination of two things that make people happy: plants and food, Trixi’s is located in a nursery, which accounts for the overall feel-good vibes of the place. Rumour has it that their paninis are the best in town.

Update: Trixi’s coffee shop is soon to move, keep an eye on their Facebook page for their new address: www.facebook.com/TrixisCoffeeShop


Home-made iced tea and fried chicken on arguably the best waffles in town, plus the kids will have a great time on the jungle gym. Kid-friendly, homespun drinks and good food, what more can we ask for?


Start your day right with freshly brewed and locally roasted coffee from Namibia’s own SlowTown. There’s one on Independence Avenue, which is my personal favourite, although you might struggle for parking, plus they’re closed on Sundays. You can find the other SlowTown in the Grove Mall of Namibia, and with the extended shopping hours you’ll most likely find them open and very busy.

Craft Café

Touristing can be hard, especially the part where you have to find gifts for everyone back home. The Namibia Craft Centre in Tal Street is my number one recommendation for all things craft and Namibian, and when you’re done shopping, take a break upstairs at the Craft Café with a delicious plate of Apple Tart (who said breakfast can’t be sweet?)

Café Schneider

Located down an almost forgotten alleyway right in the middle of the city centre off Independence Avenue, Café Schneider is an institution. It’s the kind of place where the waiters know your name and the way you like your eggs. No fuss, no fanciness, just old-school good food.


Click here for our five favourite spots to people watch in Windhoek.


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