Bokashi those organic wastes!

Onguma supports communities
June 4, 2013
Fish River Canyon Ultra – 22 June
June 4, 2013
Onguma supports communities
June 4, 2013
Fish River Canyon Ultra – 22 June
June 4, 2013
Manjo Smith with the Bokashi Composter

Manjo Smith with the Bokashi Composter

By Marita van Rooyen

“You can literally put anything that comes out of your kitchen into this nifty little bin, except the wife” jokes Namibia’s green queen, Manjo Smith.

Manjo has made her green mark in the local food industry, with her farm GreenSpot Organics being a trendsetter in the field of growing and living organically. She is also the president and founder of the Namibian Organic Association (NOA), World Board Member of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), and above all else, lover and promoter of everything green.

That’s why Bokashi. “It’s nice, sexy and skinny and fits perfectly on the kitchen counter! As a benefit, it is perfect for someone who wants to do something “green”.

Trash your bones, oil, peels, eggshells, old bread and milk cartons into the bin, add a bit of Bokashi mix (a nifty fermented probiotic bran), and let the magic happen. As a bonus, there are no nasty smells and no flies buzzing about your eating space. Best of all, you can then recycle even more and feed your garden with the by-product, a nutrient-rich liquid that can be tapped from the bottom of your bin.

A household size bin costs N$450 if you buy it from Manjo direct. It is also available at green-supporting stores throughout Namibia. Don’t forget, by utilising the Bokashi bin, you are also reducing that evil carbon footprint!

Also available from Manjo is the ProBio range of cleaning products, the Biowashball, and organic tea made from a mix of olive leaves and rooibos or honeybush.

Contact her at [email protected]

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