BOX OFFICE The Power Stone
August 6, 2012Text Annabelle Venter
PAN Exhibition
Members of the Potters Association of Namibia (PAN) and students, get down to work at the recent workshop presented after the 2011 Biennale National exhibition. Guest judge, John Higgins (centre) hails from Stoke-on-Trent, in the English midlands, an area steeped in the origins of British pottery and home to famous names such as Wedgewood, Poole, Portmeirion and Spode pottery. John is an experienced teacher, adjudicator and artist who has won many awards for his work and taken part in numerous exhibitions around the world. This was the first time PAN invited a potter from overseas to judge and offer a workshop. PAN currently has 53 members and continues to promote the craft of pottery by offering regular workshops, events and exhibitions throughout the year.
To become a member and learn more about this fascinating art form, contact chairperson Carola Lorck (centre row, 2nd from left) at [email protected] or 081 298 7271.
This article appeared in the January Edition of FLAMINGO Magazine.