March 28, 2019

How to Take a Long-Weekend Road Trip to Etosha

Road-trips are the best, aren’t they? Perhaps it’s because of film culture, where we’ve been fed with the romance of road trips, of getting out, hitting the road, with the wide-open skies overhead and just a vague destination in our minds. In Namibia, the first half of the year has two great opportunities for road trips, the first being the Independence holiday and the second the Easter long weekend. All you have to do is put in one or two days leave and take a trip. But where to, you ask? The most famous park in Namibia, of course. Take a road trip to Etosha and make it a trip to remember. Here’s how:
March 28, 2019

Bars with a View in Windhoek

People like views; we are drawn to places where we can look over wide vistas and see horizons stretched out into infinity. Luckily, in a place like Windhoek, with its many hills and mountains, there is no shortage of lookout points. However, if you’d like a drink with that view, have a look at our recommendations for the best bars with views in Windhoek.