Naturally Namibia #getnatural competition
February 16, 2016Drum Café launches in Namibia
February 18, 2016Text by Namibia Tourism Board
#sharemynamibia 3rd Edition
NTB Online marketing campaign to promote domestic tourism
More Namibians are becoming travel conscious and would like to spend their money within the borders of the country. The challenge is lack of information – where, how and what to do is always critical when planning their holidays.
“Share My Namibia” is a social media and digital marketing campaign geared towards the promotion of domestic tourism and to grow Namibia Tourism Board’s (NTB) online communities. The campaign aims to encourage local Namibians to discover more by travelling to new places and experiencing new activities within the borders of Namibia.
GAZZA – NTB Collaboration
Since the #sharemynamibia campaign inception in 2014, Namibia Tourism Board has collaborated with Namibian personalities with a high number of online fans. We started in 2014 with Namibian musician EES and 2013 Big Brother winner Dillish Mathews. This year NTB is teaming up with Mr Lazarus “Gazza” Shiimi who will embark on a 7 day adventure tour to the north east of Namibia. Gazza will experience soft adrenaline activities such as a day with the San people – to learn about their early days of survival. He will paddle on the Zambezi River by a mokoro boat; visit the villages of Kavango & Zambezi as well as island hop. He will be exploring tourist destinations and sharing his experiences through his social media platforms. Through this, NTB hopes that he can influence and entice a large number of his local followers to travel more in Namibia.
The public is invited to follow Gazza’s journey on his social media platforms as well as the campaign spirit by sharing their Namibian holiday / adventure experiences on social media with the following hashtags:
Gazza’s social media handles are as follows:
Instagram: gazza467
Twitter: @gazza467
Facebook: Gazza Karandu Shiimi