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January 13, 2016Dalene’s Leg of Lamb
Extract from Life on a Table by Antoinette de Chavonnes Vrugt
alene Meyer is an old school friend of mine. She was born in the Outjo District and grew up on a farm. She can truly work magic with our local ingredients. Give her any piece of meat, and she’ll transform it into a meal for a king.
” I simply enjoy preparing food and socializing – I can cook for a hundred people as long as they’re around, enjoying good wine and conversation. As a child I never wanted to be in the house but when I was in Standard 6 my mother was recovering from a foot operation during the June holidays, and my sister and I had to take turns to work out menus and cater for the many friends and hunting guests who came to visit. I was not impressed with being housebound for the entire holiday and for two years after that I refused to have anything to do with food (other than I eat it!). Only when I’d finished school I became interested in food again and started to enjoy cooking, as I still do today.
My grandmother’s oven-baked lamb rib, spinach and sweet potato dishes… My mom’s venison schnitzels with pan sauce (we didn’t have the convenience of buying ready-made sauces back then. And my Grandmother on my dad’s side made great meatballs and green beans.” Dalene Cilliers (Meyer)
1 leg of lamb on the bone
50 g bacon, cut into short strips
6 cloves of garlic, quartered
Salt and pepper
1 sprig of thyme
2 onions, quartered
4 cloves of garlic, extra
Slit the surface of the meat and insert the bacon strips and quartered garlic cloves into the cuts.
Rub with salt and pepper.
Place in a ovenproof casserole with a lid.
Put the sprig of thyme on top.
Position the onions and extra garlic around the meat.
Bake in the oven for 5-6 hours at 160°C.

Photo ©Hentie Burger

Life on a table can be purchased from Venture Publications offices at 4 Herzinger Crescent, Klein Windhoek, Namibia. To order a book email [email protected] or phone 061 420 514.