Life on a Table recipe #92 – Ostrich Goulash Soup

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Extract from the award-winning book Life on a Table by Antoinette de Chavonnes Vrugt[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black” style=”dotted”][vc_column_text]

Hilda-Marié Burger learnt to make this delicious goulash soup from her German friend, Jürgen. You can use beef or venison goulash instead of ostrich. Hilda-Marié makes a double portion and cooks the soup without the potatoes to freeze it for later use. Boil the potatoes while you defrost the soup and add them while heating the soup.

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500 g onions, chopped

3 cloves garlic

1.5 kg good quality meat (topside), cut into bite-size cubes

Olive oil or butter for frying

500 g carrots, peeled and sliced

500 g peppers, mixed, cubed (not too small) or cut into strips

500 g potatoes, peeled and cubed

1 x  410 g tin tomatoes, chopped

60 ml tomato paste

750 ml dry red wine

30 ml paprika powder

Sprigs of fresh rosemary and thyme

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

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Sprinkle the meat with freshly ground black pepper and brown small batches in olive or canola oil.

Fry the onions and add the meat to the onions.

Fry the tomato paste for a while, then add it to the meat.

Add the red wine and bring to the boil.

Add all the remaining ingredients except for the chopped tomatoes and boil for about 45 minutes until the meat is soft.

Add the chopped tomatoes right at the end.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column]

Photo ©Hentie Burger
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Life on a Table can be purchased from Venture Publications offices at 4 Herzinger Crescent, Klein Windhoek, Namibia. To order a book email or phone 061 420 514.


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