A culinary adventure at the new JoJo’s
March 3, 2016
Life on a Table
March 9, 2016Information provided by Namibia Scientific Society | Photo ©TJ Blackwell
Tuesday, 8th March 2016 at 19h30:
English presentation by bee expert and beekeeper Stefan Schellenberg, Germany: Beekeeping & bee breeding
Life cycle of a queen bee; How queen breeding works; Free mating places vs. mating stations and instrumental insemination; Benefit from bee breeding for agriculture and the community.
Wednesday, 9th March 2016 at 19h00:
The Namibia Bird Club’s 30th Annual General Meeting will be held at Namibia Scientific Society, Windhoek.
After the AGM and a short break a talk about Costa Rica by Emiliano Benolich will commence at 19h30:
As a state of Central America Costa Rica faces both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Landscape is varies from volcanic area to beaches; and vegetation is very plentiful. With regard to conservation Costa Rica is one of the first countries in the world. It has been a world leader in conservation policies with protected areas that encompass over 25 percent of its total landmass – the highest in the world. Birdlife is abundant with many endemic species.
Emiliano Benolich is a professional safari guide based in Windhoek, Namibia. Over the last 15 years, he has guided safaris all over Africa with a strong emphasis on sustainability and the protection of wildlife. He is a graduate in media studies and communication and is inexhaustible in his desire to satisfy his curiosity and communicate his findings. These traits characterize both his professional life in his guided tours and his passion, photography. He has held an interest in photography since 1990 and considers himself a self-taught photographer. He has found this form of communication as being very successful in expressing his opinions and findings.
Thursday, 10th March 2016 at 19h30:
NEWS invites to a presentation by Corris Kaapehi, Edu Ventures Ombombo Mobile Classroom – Environmental Education on Wheels.
The lack of appreciation for the environment and limited career opportunities for Namibian youth prompted a group of nature conservationists from the National Museum to establish a mobile classroom focusing on environmental education in the country. The EduMobile programme is a mobile environmental-awareness program tailored to meet Namibia’s specific environmental concerns such as climate change and biodiversity loss in rural areas. The mobile classroom, which will be called the “Ombombo”, meaning butterfly, will focus on educating learners from Grades 8 to 12 in rural schools on environmental issues.
All events are open for public – everyone welcome! Venue is Namibia Scientific Society, Robert Mugabe Ave 110, opposite National Theatre. Safe parking in yard – Love street entrance.
Please note: The opinions expressed during any presentations, films or events are not necessarily in accord with ours.