Private sector teams up with the government to save rhinos

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Compiled Sanet van Zijl | Main photo ©Anja Denker[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The private sector has teamed up with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in a project which is aimed at saving Namibia’s rhino population.


The private initiative, Intelligence Support Against Poaching (I.S.A.P), has launched a campaign called “Blow the horn on Rhino Poaching”. This was possible through a donation of N$ 1 million by Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL), a branch of the Olthaver & List group.

Among other things this money will provide a reward for individuals that provide information that could lead to the arrest, conviction and sentencing of rhino poachers.

The Namibian rhino population is decreasing at an alarming rate. Members of the public are therefore urged to provide any clues or information through SMS to the number 55555.

Rhinos are some of the animals in Namibia through which many job opportunities can be created. They are great tourist attractions and lure many foreigners to our country.

Namibia has made enormous progress in the conservation of black rhinos and elephants over the years. We now have the largest population of black rhinos in the world and our elephant population stands at an estimated 20 000, after the number was at just 7000 twenty years ago.

Up until now the emphasis in anti-poaching efforts was placed on ground patrols, but it has to be combined with the collection of information. Poaching is not only taking place in national parks, but also on private land.

The conservation of nature is one of Namibia’s development goals. Cooperation between local, private companies is therefore part of President Hage Geingob’s Harambee concept.


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