Xaudum Lodge

New GPS Collars for Kamanjab’s Elephants
February 5, 2016
Sheya Shuushona Lodge
February 15, 2016
New GPS Collars for Kamanjab’s Elephants
February 5, 2016
Sheya Shuushona Lodge
February 15, 2016


Situated on a prehistoric sand dune overlooking its namesake the Xaudum Omuramba, the main area consists of a dining room, bar, lounge and a wooden deck with a firepit.

The main area and the rooms are connected by raised wooden walkways.

In a forgotten corner of North East Namibia, is one of the last wilderness areas left in Africa. To the knowledgeable traveller, Khaudum National Park offers a subtle mix of solitude, raw beauty and a sense of isolation.


Contact details:

Phone: +264 81 1006677 | Email: reservations@namibia-exclusive.com.na

| Web: www.namibia-exclusive.com/xaudum-lodge


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