June 11, 2024

From Swakopmund’s sands to Amsterdam’s canals: A Tern’s 8,429-kilometer Odyssey

Follow the remarkable journey of a Common Tern from the salt flats of Swakopmund, Namibia, to the coasts of Amsterdam, Netherlands. This in-depth exploration details the impressive 8,429-km migration and the terns’ annual 20,000-km flights between hemispheres. Through field notes and rare sightings, learn about the challenges, habitats, and conservation needs of these migratory seabirds. Discover the efforts of dedicated bird ringers and the global network tracking the lives of these avian travelers.
March 21, 2024

A Love Story Gone Wrong

When I visited Mahango Game Park in January this year, I witnessed this intriguing courtship feeding process. Apart from the fact that feeding chicks is not part of the cuckoo family’s habits, I was amazed by the sheer efficacy and speed at which the courtship feeding took place. My initial thought was that the male was actually taking over the function of raising their young, but then I realised that the “chick” was an adult female Diederik Cuckoo.
March 21, 2024

Practice Makes Perfect

This is probably the most fascinating bird that occurs in Namibia, at least as far as their hunting/ fishing methods are concerned. They are skimming the water with accuracy and precision with their flexible orange red bill only 2–5 centimetres below the surface for fish that might have the audacity to come up that close.
January 21, 2024

‘Ugly’ is in the eye of the beholder

One of the Marabou Storks’ exceptionally sophisticated habits is to defecate on their legs, giving them a white appearance. Apparently the reason is to cool down by urohidrosis, since they do not spend that much time near water. The other two stork species that share this habit are the Openbill and White Storks.
January 17, 2024

Not another GREY GO-AWAY

As our skipper slowly turns the boat toward the dock along the bank, a flutter of wings catches my attention in the canopy of the adjacent Ana tree. My brain-eye coordination is still set on “bird spotting mode”, even though our water adventure has come to an end for the day. There, in the lofty canopy, I see the characteristic mohawk-style wispy crest of a Turaco.
June 29, 2023

Birding with Pompie: Three wise men from the west

Did they bring any presents? Yes, they did. Are they wise? Indeed they are. Are they windgat? No. Are they your typical bird watchers/guides? Not at all. Do they know everything about birds? No, they know everything about nature, be it birds, bees, flowers, trees, butterflies, reptiles. They do not know that much about rugby, but that makes it so much easier to explain the finer points of the Blue Bulls, not to be corrected by wise-guy Stormer supporters. These are probably all the reasonable nice things I can say about these fellows.
June 21, 2023

The land of sand and freedom: Birds of a feather

We feel tremendously privileged to know some nature specialists who are founts of knowledge. Luckily, they are also amazing human beings who share their wisdom and their knowledge. Birds of a feather flock together. As this story is about our birding experiences over the years, that seemed like an apt segue.
March 7, 2023

About solitude, vultures and looking towards Rostock Mountain

Discover the beauty and conservation efforts for vultures in Namibia's Khomas Region. Learn about the challenges faced by Cape Vultures and the efforts to re-establish their population. Join the journey to create a safe haven for these majestic birds and appreciate their symbolic significance in Buddhism.
March 7, 2023

Checklist: Namib-Naukluft National Park

Wildlife Delight: Your Comprehensive Checklist for Namib-Naukluft National Park's Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Insects, and Scorpions. Uncover the park's rich biodiversity, must-see species, and best viewing areas. Prepare for an extraordinary safari experience amidst stunning desert landscapes.