My Hungry Heart recipe #12 – Butternut gratiné
December 2, 2016Messages from Wlotzkasbaken
December 5, 2016Christmas trifle
Extract from the book My Hungry Heart by Antoinette De Chavonnes Vrugt
For 2 large rectangular dishes or one big, round glass bowl:
1 chocolate cake (bought or baked)
500 ml dark chocolate mousse
2 packets red jelly, prepared
juice from 2 tins black cherries
50 ml Old Brown Sherry
2 tins black cherries, cut in half
250 ml sprinkle nuts
1.25 litres cream, stiffly beaten
125 ml pecan nuts, broken
Layer as follows
Cut chocolate cake in pieces and cover base of glass bowl with the cake. Sprinkle with Old Brown Sherry, cover with chocolate mousse and a layer of red jelly.
Arrange cherries and nuts on the jelly and cover with cream.
Start again with a layer of chocolate cake, sprinkle with sherry, cover with chocolate mousse and then red jelly.
Arrange a second layer of cherries and nuts and cover with cream.
Chocolate vermicelli, nuts, red glazed cherries (or maraschino cherries)
Garnish with chocolate vermicelli, nuts and red cherries.
Cover with chocolate mousse.
Garnish with chocolate vermicelli, nuts and red cherries.
You can use small meringues or cream rosettes or chocolate mousse rosettes for garnishing.
My Hungry Heart can be purchased from Venture Media offices at 1 Mozart Street, Windhoek West, Namibia. To order a book email [email protected] or phone 061 420 514.