July 24, 2012

Fishing in Namibia

Fishing in Namibia is just another form of hunting adventure …  By Ron Swilling We are descended from hunters. Catching and killing once formed a necessary […]
September 3, 2012

Namibian fishing journal

Where else in the world can a fisherman start camping at Mile 4 and move along as the fish bite, or don’t bite, as far up […]
June 17, 2013

Spend time fishing in Namibia

Text and photos by Ron Swilling  ‘The gods do not deduct from man’s allotted span the hours spent in fishing.’ Mark Twain Boyhood memories of family […]
August 22, 2013

Angling in Namibia

Rock and surf angling at the coast Thousands of anglers head for the Namibian coast each year in search of the ‘big one’. Angling species include […]
December 8, 2022

On the turf of sailors, surfers and anglers

Discover the allure of the Namibian coast's middle section for your perfect holiday getaway. Relive cherished memories of festive seasons spent in the quaint town of Henties Bay, embraced by scenic drives and misty horizons. Embark on a nostalgic journey down memory lane as you explore the enchanting landscapes and endless holiday bliss.
January 21, 2024

Do blissfully nothing at Ietsiemeer

Beach holidays on our coastline look a little different. The Skeleton Coast did not earn its name for being a sunny swimmers’ haven. It is called that way for being majestically moody and predominantly overcast, with the cold Benguela Current ruling the restless waters. Sure, the sun comes out and the wind takes a break every so often, but loving our coast includes indulging in its almost constant cooler weather. Going for beach walks here means wearing a sweater and sensing how the baby hairs around your face curl from the crisp moisture. It is a different kind of Namibia from the dry interior, a welcome respite and utterly magical in its own right.