Tsumeb’s latest holiday resort by Marita van Rooyen The name Kupferquelle (meaning copper fountain) is fitting for the only family resort in one of Namibia’s first […]
by Ron Swilling Driving the gravel road into Ghaub, the verdant hills transform into rows of healthy green maize, and then into a sprawling, clean-shaven lawn […]
Eclectic African styles and mining history by Ron Swilling As you drive down the access road to !Uris Safari Lodge, a large thatch-roofed building comes into […]
It’s tempting for anyone driving to northern Namibia to visit Etosha National Park, the traditional land of the Owambo people, and the lush green regions of […]
The Tsumeb Museum was founded in April 1975 by the fondly remembered Ms Ilse Shatz, and she made it her loving and passionate mission to find, restore and […]
Text and photographs Luise Hoffmann The only official botanical garden in Namibia is the one attached to the National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) at 8 Orban […]