July 27, 2012

Hiking in the Fish River Canyon

Hiking in the second-largest canyon in the world invariably results in amazement, and sometimes in a bit of fear. And ‘in’ is not a mistake. You […]
July 27, 2012

Hiking trails in Namibia

Namibia offers a wide variety of walks, overnight hiking trails and guided wilderness trails for those wanting to explore the countryside on foot. From Henties Bay […]
April 18, 2013

Top 10 Adrenaline pumpers in Namibia

Compiled Marita van Rooyen Namib Desert Challenge, 25–29 March, Sossusvlei Running the equivalent or more of a full marathon every day for five days, with temperatures […]
August 19, 2013

Hiking and backpacking in Namibia

Namibia offers a wide variety of walks, overnight hiking trails and guided wilderness trails for those wanting to explore the countryside on foot. Keep in mind […]
August 27, 2019

Travel Notes from a Vagabond

Willie Olivier is a veteran journalist and travel writer. He has been compiling guides and travel directories for visitors to Namibia since before independence. In this new series for Travel News Namibia, Willie compiles notes, thoughts and take-aways from his travels. Interesting facts, little-known happenings and anecdotes of the adventures of this vagabond.
December 1, 2021

From the desert to the mountains

As widely as the Namibian landscapes can differ when comparing the northeast of the country to the southwest, as quickly it can change over short distances. Such changes in scenery will not be as drastic, of course, but can nonetheless give one the feeling of being in a completely different place.
May 17, 2024

A Hike In The Shadow Of Brandberg

I hear the familiar crunch of my hiking boots on the sand as the sun peeks from the granite koppies behind Madisa Camp. It is the start of a four- day slackpack hike. The first two days will take us down into the Ugab River, and on the other two we will follow the bends of the river course as we make our way upstream. It is the land of desert-adapted elephants, magical landscapes and Brandberg Mountain. Exploring this area on foot is a new experience for me – and I am savouring it.