June 4, 2012

Travel Namibia: Top Five Adventures

By Marita van Rooyen South Africa has Table Mountain, Botswana has vast numbers of wildlife, Zimbabwe has Vic Falls, Angola has diamonds and Zambia has the […]
July 13, 2012

Namibia: early explorers

By Hu Berry What makes men leave the familiar comforts of their homeland to venture to a land known as the Dark Continent – Mr Berry […]
May 15, 2013

Brandberg hike: You need a permit

NOTE: Following several enquiries regarding the information included in this post the NHC has advised that the regulations regarding payment and a guide are, in fact, […]
January 17, 2024

A Hike In The Shadow Of Brandberg

I hear the familiar crunch of my hiking boots on the sand as the sun peeks from the granite koppies behind Madisa Camp. It is the start of a four- day slackpack hike. The first two days will take us down into the Ugab River, and on the other two we will follow the bends of the river course as we make our way upstream. It is the land of desert-adapted elephants, magical landscapes and Brandberg Mountain. Exploring this area on foot is a new experience for me – and I am savouring it.