November 14, 2012

Facts on Elephants in Namibia

This post forms part of the monthly “Did you know” column written by Bill Torbitt for Flamingo magazine. It originally appeared in the November 2012 issue. […]
April 11, 2013

Etosha, rain & a small car

Photos and blog post by Annabelle Venter who discovered that a small car can be ideal for a trip to Etosha National Park  Remember the days […]
February 18, 2014

Questions over Omitara / Hochfeld Elephants

Several concerned Namibians, in particular farmers from the Hochfeld and Omitara areas, have expressed their worry that two elephants, which have been observed in the areas […]
October 6, 2014

Namibia marches for Elephants & Rhinos

Text Jana-Mari Smith | PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF Ronel Toll & Imogen Pretorius, both of whom participated in the Elephant and Rhino march Demonstrators in 136 cities […]
July 4, 2018

Botswana’s Nxai Pans

We’ve just returned to South Camp and it’s almost dark. Stretching our stiff limbs, the place is silent tonight since we are the only campers. And then we hear it, a soft swishing sound in the grass. Moving cautiously to the edge of the tree line in the deep twilight, we can just make out a solid mass of elephants mere metres away from us.
September 12, 2018

This is My Namibia – Conrad Brain

Without a single word that we know or express, there has been – almost without exception – an exchange of contact or expression between myself and […]
March 16, 2022

Park of the People: The brilliant and bold Bwabwata

The car is packed, the rooftop tent strapped and you bought more snacks than you should have for the nine or so hour drive to Bwabwata National Park from Windhoek. It’s a long haul north, but now you have hit the sharp right turn, leaving Rundu in your rearview mirror. Each tree is starting to look greener than the one before as you cruise alongside the Okavango River, keeping a keen eye open for the entrance to your accommodation.
May 17, 2024

Discover the TOP 5 EXPERIENCES to enjoy in the Zambezi Region

The Zambezi Region, a lush and vibrant wilderness in Namibia, beckons adventurers with its abundant wildlife and captivating landscapes. If you are planning a trip to Namibia, don’t miss out on the must-do activities that this region has to offer. Here are our top five recommendations for unforgettable experiences in the Zambezi Region.
May 17, 2024

The Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier ELEPHANT SURVEY

The first flight to begin an elephant survey covering parts of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe took off from a dirt strip in Zimbabwe on 22 August 2022. The survey area, known as the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA), hosts over half of Africa’s savanna elephants, which underlines the importance of the survey.