March 10, 2021

Wellness in the Desert at Little Kulala

When Wilderness Safaris reopened their much loved Little Kulala lodge in November last year, not only did it boast a stylish revamp but also introduced a new holistic approach to the guest experience. Wellness now goes hand in hand with conservation and appreciation of the fragile arid ecosystem.
March 16, 2022

Park of the People: The brilliant and bold Bwabwata

The car is packed, the rooftop tent strapped and you bought more snacks than you should have for the nine or so hour drive to Bwabwata National Park from Windhoek. It’s a long haul north, but now you have hit the sharp right turn, leaving Rundu in your rearview mirror. Each tree is starting to look greener than the one before as you cruise alongside the Okavango River, keeping a keen eye open for the entrance to your accommodation.
June 4, 2024

Exploring Animal Movements: Unravelling the Rhythms of the Wild

Can a landscape exhale and inhale with the ebb and flow of life? Do animals adjust their movement patterns in response to shifts in resource availability? These fundamental questions regarding the characteristics of wilderness also extend to fenced areas and national parks. The evidence unequivocally confirms that animals pay little heed to man- made borders, whether they be physical fences or legally designated boundaries.
December 20, 2024

Tuxedoed treasures

There is a crisis unfolding in Namibian waters. The quintessentially cute African Penguin is facing imminent threat of extinction. This matters, not only because these adorable black and white waddling creatures are an emblem of African waters, but also because they fulfil a role in the ecosystem. Like with a Jenga tower, removing blocks risks the stability of the entire structure.