January 17, 2013

Surfing the sand – Namibian adventure

Text and photographs by Ron Swilling who experienced a genuine Namibian adventure It was all laid-back-surfer rhythm as I gave cool-cat Bambo “It’s Rambo with an B” […]
November 1, 2021

It gave me nothing I expected, but it gave me everything I needed

How does one describe that moment when you shoulder your backpack with everything you think you need for the next 4 nights and 5 days? And the feeling when taking that first step into the awe-inspiring Fish River Canyon. A step into an unfamiliar world. Is it fear, excitement, anxiety, eagerness, adrenaline, or just blank emotion?
November 1, 2021

Living in the land of sand and freedom: Driving on empty

One of our favourite activities every year is the annual vulture tagging. We have been participating since 2016, at which point one child was two and the other five. The first time we joined this outing we hadn’t yet met everyone involved, but had made telephonic arrangements to meet the team at Sesriem.
March 20, 2022

Driving in the bush (bundu-bashing)

If ever there was a person or driver who is not suitable to write about cars, i.e. 4-wheel vehicles, I can claim without any doubt to be that guy (call me a man). I might as well start with my claims to fame with changing my car’s flat tyre and putting back the same flat tyre. If the car stops working, I can check the tyres and fuel and, well, that’s it. I was once unable to open the bonnet because I couldn’t find the catch.
September 1, 2022

KHAUDUM: The Ultimate Wilderness

Khaudum National Park offers an unforgettable and authentic wilderness experience for adventurous travellers seeking solitude in one of Namibia's most remote corners. Its deep, loose sandy tracks and large herds of elephants are legendary, and the park attracts a breed of intrepid travellers.
September 1, 2022

Living wild in the land of Sand and Freedom: Three become four

In the beginning of our journey there were three. Two adults and a small boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. After our first steps in the south and watching him make his way into the (then) head-high grass without looking back even once, we knew it was right. We knew that we all belonged here.
June 14, 2023

Desert views to die for

Hygge and wabi-sabi. These two foreign lifestyle and design philosophies come to mind at Desert Breeze Lodge. Perched on granite boulders bordering the Swakop River, overlooking dunes of the Namib Sand Sea’s proverbial beach-break with cosy comfort and quirky style, this lodge is completely unique to Swakopmund’s accommodation offerings, and arguably one of the most interesting in the country.
January 21, 2024

Back to Basics

The juxtaposition of Namibia’s landscapes continues to leave me speechless. The northwest, characterised by rocky flat-top and pointy mountains cascading into valleys and then rivers. The deep south, where standing on a hilltop has you overlooking endless stretches of deserted plains. Our coastline, misty and magical, where gemsbok occasionally stroll on the beach. The fingertip of the Caprivi, lined by wondrous waterways, lush greenery and punctuated by rural villages.
March 21, 2024

Practice Makes Perfect

This is probably the most fascinating bird that occurs in Namibia, at least as far as their hunting/ fishing methods are concerned. They are skimming the water with accuracy and precision with their flexible orange red bill only 2–5 centimetres below the surface for fish that might have the audacity to come up that close.