December 1, 2021

From the desert to the mountains

As widely as the Namibian landscapes can differ when comparing the northeast of the country to the southwest, as quickly it can change over short distances. Such changes in scenery will not be as drastic, of course, but can nonetheless give one the feeling of being in a completely different place.
March 10, 2022

Namibia’s Wettest Wonderland

Cradled by the Kwando and Linyanti rivers at the Zambezi Region’s southernmost point, lies Namibia’s largest conserved wetland area, the 28,500-ha-large Nkasa Rupara National Park. Complex tectonic, climatic and hydrological events have shaped and reshaped the wetlands over countless aeons. The most dramatic change took place millions of years ago when uplift along the Linyanti Fault diverted the Kwando River into a northeasterly direction.
June 29, 2022

Unlocking TSAU //KHAEB

What enticed men to leave their homes in Europe for a far-off German colony on the African Continent to dig through burning gravel under the relentless sun of the Namib Desert for a gemstone made of carbon arranged in a crystal structure? Many romantic stories are told citing various reasons, but in actual fact these men were motivated by one thing alone – greed.
May 17, 2024

Discover the TOP 5 EXPERIENCES to enjoy in the Zambezi Region

The Zambezi Region, a lush and vibrant wilderness in Namibia, beckons adventurers with its abundant wildlife and captivating landscapes. If you are planning a trip to Namibia, don’t miss out on the must-do activities that this region has to offer. Here are our top five recommendations for unforgettable experiences in the Zambezi Region.
May 17, 2024

Meet the Peeling Bark Ochna

In this series we explore the beauty of trees with our beloved local nature-enthusiasts and authors, Helga and Pompie Burger. Each with a unique voice and opinions on how best to identify the trees of the Kavango and Zambezi, Helga and Pompie help us through the tricky trials of identifying northeastern Namibia’s most iconic flora.