March 25, 2013

Magic rain through the lens of Paul van Schalkwyk

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Namibia’s 2012/2013 summer was marked by mostly dry and hot conditions. Very little rain fell in the major parts of the country, leading weather experts to conclude […]
September 20, 2013

Photography: Hot tips for spring time

Text and photographs Annabelle Venter Here Annabelle takes a look at what awaits photographers in the Namibian springtime. Spring arrives quite suddenly if not unceremoniously around […]
March 7, 2023

Photography Feature: Marc Springer

Explore the photographic journey of Marc Springer, from film darkrooms to capturing Namibia's breathtaking wildlife and landscapes. Embrace the evolution of photography and the privilege of witnessing animals in their natural habitat. Preserve the beauty of Namibia for future generations.