September 17, 2012

Namibia summer rain countdown 2012

That smell. When the first rain drops hit the dusty, thirsty ground after months of winter and the dry ground soaks up the drops gratefully. And […]
October 5, 2012

When will it rain in Namibia?

By Jana-Mari Smith Although heavy cloud cover and sultry humidity have been the order of the day across much of Namibia, the rain experts say that […]
October 25, 2012

Rain in the north and north-east

By Jana-Mari Smith The rain is finally here – albeit only in scattered northern, north-eastern patches. The tropical moisture swirling above Namibia’s northern, northeastern and central […]
November 1, 2012

Dancing in the rain

In Namibia, the arrival of the rainy season is a cause for celebration – as put by an American visitor, Namibians are a funny lot. Whereas […]
March 25, 2013

Magic rain through the lens of Paul van Schalkwyk

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Namibia’s 2012/2013 summer was marked by mostly dry and hot conditions. Very little rain fell in the major parts of the country, leading weather experts to conclude […]
May 22, 2013

Namibia Rainfall summary

The Meteorogolical Service Division of Namibia released the following notice: April 2013 was observably dry at all places monitored, with Walvis Bay being the only exception […]
February 14, 2014

Lüdertiz – a Night to Remember

In the late evening and early morning hours of the 12th and 13th of February 2014, Lüderitz “Buchters” were taken off guard when a spectacular and […]
March 3, 2023

Delighting in Desert Rains​

Abundant rains have fallen in the desert. Words that send every Namibian into a frenzy of excitement. Some will savour the photos taken of this phenomenon, while others will want to see this rare occurrence for themselves by packing their cars and heading out to the desert. This year, I’m one of the latter.