June 25, 2013

Raising young birders

BirdsConTour owner and birder Stefan Rust has begun a Young Birder club with the goal of teaching young children to become bird appreciators and conservators at […]
June 25, 2013

Music in the world of birds

Text and photographs by Pompie Burger Main photo: Woodland kingfisher. Photo ©Pompie Burger    Music is not a commodity you just buy and sell. It is pure, […]
September 2, 2013

Birds of Namibia: Endemic bird species

Text and photographs Pompie Burger – Main photograph: Dune Lark, Calendulauda erythrochlamys “…en die groot en oop grasvlaktes Span dit toe met doringdraad En die olifant […]
October 1, 2013

Birding hotspot Namibia: Mahango

Text and photos by Pompie Burger You can easily fall into the trap of using over-used adjectives such as incredible, magical, ultimate, uncompromising et cetera for […]
April 10, 2015

NEW | Travel News Namibia Autumn 2015

THE NEW ISSUE OF TRAVEL NEWS NAMIBIA Travel News Namibia Autumn 2015 is hitting shelves (and the website) soon! Get excited about exploring Namibia with us! […]
July 13, 2018

Starlings not that Common

If there were a lion behind every second bush, or a leopard in every tree, would they be so special? Would photographers want to shoot them (to protect them), would photographers drive off-road or into a no-entry road to get a better angle on their million dollar picture? I have in fact seen people drive all over each other to get a closer look at a lion, to get to the front of the scene of the crime. Imagine, for a lion! Luckily no photographer will ever do that. The point I want to make about starlings is that they are too common. Most of the starlings have a metallic sheen flashing back when the sun touches their feathers, but unfortunately they are not so special because they are just too common. This might be where this terrible word is coming from: ‘common’, like too many seen too often. Possibly it is also because they are robust and gregarious. Let’s rather call them plebeian.
November 29, 2018

The Ultimate Namibian Bucket-list

All over the world visitors are attracted to the obvious must-sees. To those images which catch the eye on a TV screen, in a travel magazine or on a billboard. Images are the most powerful tool in tourism and luckily, Namibia is one of the most photogenic destinations. There are so many places in our country begging one to come closer, look deeper and become part of the picture.
August 27, 2019

How to Start Birding

If this story will not motivate you to start birding you can just as well die and never be able to enjoy life to its fullest. If you are an anti-social animal, birding is for you. If you are a party animal and crowd pleaser you will even like it that much more, entertaining your guest with another wonderful sighting of your first 50 birds (mossies?).
January 8, 2020

Riverboat Birding

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Text and Photographs Pompie Burger [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] As if game drives in a vehicle aren’t bad enough, someone has invented boat trips. The worst part of […]