February 18, 2020

Top 10 Romantic Namibian Honeymoon Destinations

A stunning location like Namibia is bound to have its fair share of isolated spots with which to tempt the starry-eyed newlyweds. That is why we've compiled a short list of the ten most romantic places in Namibia for royally in love couples to spend their honeymoons.
October 15, 2020

21 Days along the Skeleton Coast with Namibia Wildlife Resorts

[vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text] NWR’s Tour Planning division MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events) recently guided a client on a 21-day Skeleton Coast/Kunene Tour. Tour leader and guide […]
March 4, 2022

FOUR RIVERS – Go slow and experience the depth, wealth and wonder of the northeast

Rièth van Schalkwyk followed the whim of a family member to break the tradition of Christmas at the seaside, packed the camper for two weeks of slow travel and camped on the banks of the Kavango, Zambezi, Chobe and Kwando to discover the magic of looking closer and staying longer.
March 16, 2022

Park of the People: The brilliant and bold Bwabwata

The car is packed, the rooftop tent strapped and you bought more snacks than you should have for the nine or so hour drive to Bwabwata National Park from Windhoek. It’s a long haul north, but now you have hit the sharp right turn, leaving Rundu in your rearview mirror. Each tree is starting to look greener than the one before as you cruise alongside the Okavango River, keeping a keen eye open for the entrance to your accommodation.
June 1, 2022

Birding in Lüderitz

I wonder if any of those pioneers in the early 1900s ever saw Barlow’s Lark (Calendulauda barlowi) at Pomona, or the Dune Lark (C. erythrochlamys) in the dunes near Lüderitz? Looking at the barren ‘killing fields’ those diamond hunters left behind as memories for later generations, I doubt it very much. I suppose the diamond’s blinding effect on your eyes has the same effect on your mind. In the end, it’s the larks that are still around, and not those diamond hunters.
June 29, 2022

Unlocking TSAU //KHAEB

What enticed men to leave their homes in Europe for a far-off German colony on the African Continent to dig through burning gravel under the relentless sun of the Namib Desert for a gemstone made of carbon arranged in a crystal structure? Many romantic stories are told citing various reasons, but in actual fact these men were motivated by one thing alone – greed.
December 8, 2022

The Real Magic Kingdom

Embarking on the adventure of raising a tiny human opens up a world of awe and wonder. Join the journey as this author compares the experience to the breathtaking landscapes of Namibia. Discover the humbling moments, the unique perspectives of tiny humans, and the joy of fostering curiosity. Explore how Namibia's beauty and diversity become a backdrop for raising children and igniting a sense of wonder.
December 8, 2022

On the turf of sailors, surfers and anglers

Discover the allure of the Namibian coast's middle section for your perfect holiday getaway. Relive cherished memories of festive seasons spent in the quaint town of Henties Bay, embraced by scenic drives and misty horizons. Embark on a nostalgic journey down memory lane as you explore the enchanting landscapes and endless holiday bliss.
March 3, 2023

Delighting in Desert Rains​

Abundant rains have fallen in the desert. Words that send every Namibian into a frenzy of excitement. Some will savour the photos taken of this phenomenon, while others will want to see this rare occurrence for themselves by packing their cars and heading out to the desert. This year, I’m one of the latter.