December 8, 2022

The Real Magic Kingdom

Embarking on the adventure of raising a tiny human opens up a world of awe and wonder. Join the journey as this author compares the experience to the breathtaking landscapes of Namibia. Discover the humbling moments, the unique perspectives of tiny humans, and the joy of fostering curiosity. Explore how Namibia's beauty and diversity become a backdrop for raising children and igniting a sense of wonder.
December 8, 2022

On the turf of sailors, surfers and anglers

Discover the allure of the Namibian coast's middle section for your perfect holiday getaway. Relive cherished memories of festive seasons spent in the quaint town of Henties Bay, embraced by scenic drives and misty horizons. Embark on a nostalgic journey down memory lane as you explore the enchanting landscapes and endless holiday bliss.
March 3, 2023

Delighting in Desert Rains​

Abundant rains have fallen in the desert. Words that send every Namibian into a frenzy of excitement. Some will savour the photos taken of this phenomenon, while others will want to see this rare occurrence for themselves by packing their cars and heading out to the desert. This year, I’m one of the latter.
March 7, 2023

Kub monument – Namibia’s hidden heritage sites

Namibia attracts visitors with its colourful and diverse cultural heritage. The National Heritage Council of Namibia is mandated by the government to protect and conserve the places and objects of valuable significance. While some of these sites are popular and well-known tourist attractions there are also several other interesting national monuments easily missed due to their unassuming nature.
March 7, 2023

Checklist: Namib-Naukluft National Park

Wildlife Delight: Your Comprehensive Checklist for Namib-Naukluft National Park's Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Insects, and Scorpions. Uncover the park's rich biodiversity, must-see species, and best viewing areas. Prepare for an extraordinary safari experience amidst stunning desert landscapes.
March 7, 2023

Photography Feature: Marc Springer

Explore the photographic journey of Marc Springer, from film darkrooms to capturing Namibia's breathtaking wildlife and landscapes. Embrace the evolution of photography and the privilege of witnessing animals in their natural habitat. Preserve the beauty of Namibia for future generations.
March 7, 2023

About solitude, vultures and looking towards Rostock Mountain

Discover the beauty and conservation efforts for vultures in Namibia's Khomas Region. Learn about the challenges faced by Cape Vultures and the efforts to re-establish their population. Join the journey to create a safe haven for these majestic birds and appreciate their symbolic significance in Buddhism.