July 1, 2021

In the land of sand and freedom

Text and Photographs  Lee Tindall Back in June 2014 we got a call from a colleague asking whether the owner of our then workplace and home […]
November 5, 2021

The best guides in Africa are holding down the fort on a game reserve in Namibia

Join Isaiah Kapona's 20-year journey at Ongava Lodge, illuminating the artistry of guiding in Namibia. Delve into the skills that transcend roles, from doctor to entertainer. Discover the unquenchable thirst for knowledge and adaptation that craft unforgettable encounters in the wild.
March 4, 2022

Wildlife selfies – A conservation crisis

Imagine travelling the lengths of this planet, enduring long layovers, leg cramps and perhaps a chair-kicking child – all worth it for that highly anticipated moment when the wheels of a steel bird touch the tarmac and you are on African soil. A sigh of relief. Your holiday has just begun and you are undoubtedly off to the far corners of Namibia in search of rugged landscapes, natural wonders and untamed wildlife.