May 12, 2015

The Nama | Denizens of The South

Extracts from Namibia Holiday & Travel 2015 THE NAMA The only true descendants of the Khoekhoe in Namibia are the Nama, whose ancestors originally lived north […]
June 1, 2015

The Owambo | People of the North

The people referred to collectively as the Aawambo live in central northern Namibia and southern Angola. In about 1550, migrations of these people, who have a […]
July 13, 2018

Ovambo – Life in the Slow Lane

April is a reflection. A reflection of a good rainy season. A reflection of tall, slender makalani palm trees in the crystal-clear surfaces of oshanas (meaning pans in Oshiwambo) brimming with fresh rainwater and lined with lilies. This year is no exception. And the Owambo Region in the north becomes one of the most scenic and inviting parts of the country. It beckons you to delve into its colours, flavours and vibrant liveliness. Immerse yourself in a heart-warming culture with which about half of Namibia’s population identifies. Linger off the beaten track by linking your Etosha trip with Owambo and make the most of the last days of summer.
July 18, 2018

My Stint as Tour Guide in Owambo

Before we went on this adventure I really hoped, prayed, that my two colleagues who have never been to the north would love Owamboland as much as I do. I wanted them to see the beauty in everything. I wanted them to be in awe of this part of THEIR Namibia. But above all I wanted them to say the four little words: WE WILL BE BACK. 
July 18, 2018

Riemvasmakers: The Peaceful Simplicity of Life

Despite the way the Riemvasmakers found their way to Namibia, the small community thrives in the arid region west of Khoixas. Some live at Bergsig, some at Vrede, and some, like Bassons at De Riet, a small cluster of informal structures close to the Aba-Huab River. With little fencing to protect themselves or their livestock, the pre-fab church destroyed by a heavy rainstorm last year, they don't have much. But what they have been able to hold on to through all the disruption caused by the relocation, and years of living in harsh conditions is a sense of self and culture, as well as their beautiful Afrikaans mother tongue vocabulary that sets them apart from many cultural groups in the area.
December 13, 2018

Kapana, Namibia’s soul food

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Words Lavinia Kapewasha & Photographs Annelien Robberts [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are many reasons to travel. Food is one. There’s one thing we can all agree on, food […]
August 27, 2019

Heirloom, honey and seeds of the future

I think it was about four years ago, on a trip to the Palmwag area in north-western Namibia, when I found myself sitting next to a campfire once again with Simson Uri-Khob. We were not far from Ma-i-Go-Ha, Save the Rhino Trust Namibia’s HQ, and we were chatting about our upcoming Ride for Rhinos cycling tour, the beauty of the region, recent rains and other wonderfully Namibian things.
August 28, 2019

Living history at Ombu Cultural Village

The authenticity of the Ombu Cultural Village sets it apart from other run-of-the-mill living museums. It serves as a medium to transport visitors more than a hundred years back into the past. At the same time, the village is the permanent residence of a modern-day Herero family, providing a unique and intimate perspective of the Ovaherero culture, family life and daily routines.